Répertoire des sources philosophiques antiques

Theophrastus : his psychological, doxographical, and scientific writings / edited by William W. Fortenbaugh and Dimitri Gutas

Id. interne:
Fortenbaugh, William W. ; Gutas, Dimitri
New Brunswick (N. J.) : Transaction publishers, 1992, xi-410 p. Coll. « Rutgers university studies in classical humanities », 5


  • Études en anglais, mais contient également l’édition, traduction et commentaire de deux ouvrages de Théophraste. — Notes. Index, p. 386-410. —— H. Baltussen, Peripatetic dialectic in the De sensibus, p. 1-19. — D. N. Sedley, Empedocles’ theory of vision and Theophrastus’ De sensibus, p. 20-31. — D. Devereux, Theophrastus on the intellect, p. 32-43. — E. B. Cole, Theophrastus and Aristotle on animal intelligence, p. 44-62. — J. Mansfeld, Physikai doxai and problemata physika from Aristotle to Aëtius (and beyond), p. 63-111. — D. Runia, Xenophanes or Theophrastus ? : an aetian doxographicum on the sun, p. 112-140. — K. Algra, “Place” in context : on Theophrastus fr. 21 and 22 Wimmer, p. 141-165. — H. Daiber, The Meteorology of Theophrastus in Syriac and Arabic translation, p. 166-293. — I. G. Kidd, Thephrastus’ Meteorology, Aristotle and Posidonius, p. 294-306. — P. Cronin, The authorship and sources of the Peri semeion ascribed to Theophrastus, p. 307-345. — R. W. Sharples, Theophrastus : On fish, p. 347-385.

Texte antique