Titi Lucreti Cari De rerum natura libri sex. Vol. I, Prolegomena, text and critical apparatus, translation. Vol. II, Commentary, Books I-III. Vol. III, Commentary, Books IV-VI, addenda, indexes, bibliography / edited with prolegomena, critical apparatus,…
- Id. interne:
- e5e65d8b
- Auteur:
- Bailey, Cyril
- Publication:
- 1re éd. : Oxford : Oxford University Press (Clarendon Press), 1947. 2e éd. : 1949. Éd. corr. : 1950. Réimpr. :1986. 3 vol., [xi]-1785 p.
- Année:
- 1949
Editio major. « When I first edited the poem […] in 1898, I was strongly under the influence of Munro and to some extent of the recent text of Brieger, and admitted much conjecture, which I subsequently rejected. In the second edition of 1921, I had come to a far more conservative view […]. In the present text I have gone farther in the same direction […]. The translation has been altered to correspond with the changes and in many other places where a more adequate rendering seemed possible. » (p. viii). Texte latin annoté, traduction anglaise en regard (vol. 1), introduction (vol. 1) et commentaire (vol. 2-3) en anglais. Texte sur une ou deux colonnes. Pagination continue pour les trois vol. — Notes. Bibliogr. p. 1782-1785. Indices. - Tabl. Fig. (dont stemma). - Appendix : « A meteorological fragment of Theophrastus », p. 1745-1748. - Addenda et corrigenda p. 1749-1759.
Texte antique
De natura rerum ( Lucretius (Titus L. Carus) ) :
édition , commentaire , traduction